Here are some things to note about me:

  • A very astute college student asked me once if I’ve always been good at “seeing the details of what needs to happen in the in-between times and spaces.” Not going to lie, I felt very seen in that moment! The answer is at once yes, no and maybe. In some ways, it seems I’m just suited for the in between. I’ve long loved those transformative, transitional times that invite us to see things through new lenses and move through our lives in different ways. I’m not sure when I became adept at noticing the many layers of what’s at play in those spaces and what might be supportive while we’re there. It feels like it’s in my nature, for sure. And, to some extent, I’ve cultivated this capacity over time. I have learned - through professional trainings and personal experience - how to slow down, honor the moment, and use questions as a powerful tool for understanding what truly needs to happen next. I’ve honed the skill of seeing how one step actually consists of a few, and blending curiosity and intuition with logic to understand what those steps are. It’s been partly my nature and partly a practice over time that allows me to really lean into the uncertainty and discomfort (and excitement!) of those times when we don’t quite know how to get from point A to point B.

  • I like the feeling of being suspended in space. If the weather is warm, you can find me in the water or my hammock on the deck. If the weather is cold or wet - we are talking about life in Maine, after all! - you might find me using the swing that hangs from my living room ceiling.  

  • I am a widow and a single mom. I know what it’s like to be a caregiver. I have parented through deep grief - my child’s and my own. I have experience with showing up for life each day, welcoming the joy and wonder of being alive alongside the immense grief that comes with losing my long-term person and the intense weariness that comes with still needing to tend to the minutiae - bills! laundry! cooking dinner (again!) - amidst it all. I have been humbled by the practice of accepting help in forms I never even imagined I would need, and I have been emboldened by the clarity that comes with absolutely needing to prioritize healing for longer than I would have liked.

  • I operate my business from a store front in South Portland, Maine that used to be my late husband’s family’s market, the grocery shelves now repurposed as baseboards. I live with a 15-year-old daughter who used to steal my tape for her construction projects and now steals my sweaters. We have a cat plus a new dog on the way, so there’s no shortage of excitement happening in my home.

  • Intuition plays a huge role in my life. I know how to listen, and this can manifest itself in little and big ways. A recent example of this was following the nudge to abandon any illusion of normalcy in the wake of my husband’s death and travel (while homeschooling!) for several months with my daughter.

  • I’m pretty much obsessed with (appropriately-distanced) wildlife encounters. Since fall of 2024, I have seen - in their natural habitats - bison, prairie dogs, pronghorn deer, coyotes, black bears, muskrats, sea turtles, tropical fish, humpback whales, “flying fox” bats, wombats, kangaroos, wallabies, glowworms, Hector’s porpoises, and a sea lion who followed me along the shore for half an hour, playing the waves while I walked the beach. Not to mention a handful of reptiles, a couple scorpions who were a little too close for comfort, two tarantulas and countless species of birds (I really have a thing for birds). And squirrels. Plenty of squirrels.

  • I lived with ADHD for almost four decades without knowing it. I had done A LOT of seeking, healing, and growing before I gained this insight. Coming to understand how these tendencies showed up in my life and work was one of my most illuminating experiences. I learned a lot about why and how I was still experiencing certain flavors of stuckness and overwhelm despite being incredibly well resourced.

  • I really like playing catch. At some point my husband starting literally tossing me a ball when I was frazzled about something, and it’s amazing how much the rhythm of passing it back and forth would bring me back to the present moment.

  • I deeply believe in the transformative work that I do. Over the years I have collected a wellspring of tools and resources that help guide and inform my approach to coaching. At its core, I consider this to be the work of shifting energy. I work with those ready to embark on a spiritual scavenger hunt, looking within to shine a light on what really has them stuck and create some space for a new way forward, taking practical steps with newfound clarity and alignment. 


Accreditations and Trainings

Like my coaching practice, my life experience is cumulative, and integrative. I have listed some trainings below to demonstrate the variety of education I have invested in over the years, but I also draw from lived experiences, as I expect my clients to, too!

Please let me know if you have specific questions that I can address about any of the following information.

Bowdoin College, BA in Sociology

Certified Professional Coach, iPEC Coaching

Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner, iPEC Coaching

Certified ADHD Coach for Teens & Adults, JST Coaching & Training

Reiki Certification, Level II, Usui Lineage

Access Bars® Certified Practitioner

Girls on the Run Heart & Sole Program Coach

Tapestry Professional Development Program with Coaches Rising

Tools of Gold Embodiment Training with Sarah Tangredi

Activate Your Inner Jaguar with Kimberly Ann Johnson

Parenting from the Heart Class with Kathryn Landon-Malone

Permaculture Design Certificate Course

Various other trainings, courses of study, retreats, coaching, and self study in mindfulness, meditation, breath work, embodiment practices, conscious communication, social justice and anti-oppression work.

Professional experience in higher education, nonprofit management, small business management.